About the Book

If you’ve ever loved a dog, you understand the depth and intimacy of that relationship. Each dog is different and brings a unique energy of his or her own. They engage with our hearts, are our emotional strength and our confidants during our loneliest hours.

Dogs live relatively short lives. If we are lucky, they pass peacefully at the end of a long, well-lived life. It doesn’t really matter how or when they leave us, we are always devastated. Our hearts are broken.

Many of us have been blessed by finding the dog that is our soul dog – that one dog with whom we have a depth of relationship that wasn’t there with our other dogs.

Ringo was our soul dog, and in this book, I have taken on the sacred task of telling his story. Ringo came back to us as Nina, to teach us important and profound life lessons. We were guided by Amanda, the gifted pet communicator, who served as the sacred bridge from Ringo’s heart and brain to ours.

Ringo taught us many lessons as we spoke to him through Amanda. He taught us that we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience, and that the soul lives on through many lifetimes, soul families and soul bonds.

My hope is that, through Ringo’s extraordinary story, you’ll begin to see your own dog or cat as a wise being who can teach you many things, if you’ll just tune in and listen.